Vasilenko, Sergei – Concerto – Poem for trumpet and orchestra in C minor in 3 movt, op.113

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1.Allegro drammatico

2.Quasi adagio


Sergey Nikiforovich Vasilenko (March 18 (30), 1872, Moscow – March 11, 1956, Moscow) – Russian and Soviet composer, conductor and teacher. People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1940). People’s Artist of the Uzbek SSR (1939). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1947). Composer, conductor, teacher, musical and public figure S. Vasilenko developed as a creative individual in the pre-revolutionary years. The main basis of his musical style was a solid assimilation of the experience of Russian classics, but this did not exclude a lively interest in mastering a new range of expressive means. Vasilenko’s career lasted more than 60 years, he created more than 200 works covering a wide variety of musical genres – from romance and free processing of songs of many nations, music to performances and films to symphonies and operas. “The concert for the trumpet was written in 1945 and was originally called “The Concert – poem.” A poem is a lyric-dramatic narrative that often assumes the programmatic nature of music. And although there is no specific program in the Vasilenko Concert, each part contains vivid, almost visually outlined images, which give rise to various fantasies among performers and listeners. ” – T.A. Dokshizer – from the book “The Path to Creativity”.


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